As the person in charge of operations, you’re probably known as the one with all the answers.
With rapid changes in technology and across industries, the pressure to know everything can be overwhelming. Can anyone really have all the answers? Many executives struggle without immediate solutions or a clear path to find them. This can leave you feeling exposed and anxious.
Today, curiosity and adaptability matter more than having all the answers yourself. So, what if advancing your team isn’t about having all the answers, but asking the right questions? This shift in mindset can empower your team and ease the pressure on yourself.
In this episode, I’ll explore how embracing unpredictability can pave the way for your team’s success. It’s time to rethink leadership, starting with the courage to say, “I don’t know.”
How do you handle not having all the answers? How comfortable are you with that? Today’s business world demands more knowledge and flexibility than any one person can master.
Your team likely knows quite a lot about new technologies, market trends and consumer behaviors. Imagine those insights as keys to your strategy. What if, instead of merely leading you let your team lead you too?
Harnessing Curiosity: The New Leadership Skill
To this end, reverse mentoring can be super valuable. You’ve probably heard of it already. It’s a strategy where junior employees are paired with senior executives to provide fresh perspectives and insights. It takes some courage because it challenges traditional hierarchies.
By teaming younger employees with seasoned leaders across departments, you get an even broader business view. It creates space for everyone to share and challenge the status quo, so the unknown becomes a bit more like a treasure hunt, not just a hurdle.
Leading with Vulnerability
Now let’s talk about strength in leadership vulnerability. Vulnerability can be your greatest strength. Embracing vulnerability isn’t about defeat. It’s a bold step toward learning and growth. Admitting what you don’t know builds trust. The best leaders I’ve ever known are those that empower others by learning alongside them.
I’ll always remember September 12, 2001, the day after the world turned upside down. The president of the company I worked for stood before the whole company and acknowledged the uncertainty and the wild ride of emotions we all were feeling after 9/11. Rather than pretending he had the answers, he spoke honestly and showed his commitment to supporting all of us. It was his authenticity, rather than empty reassurances, that pulled us together and strengthened our respect and trust in him. I often think of his example when I feel like I should know all the answers. I’m betting you have an example like that in your own life.
Imagine your team’s response when you say, “You know what, I don’t have all the answers, but we can find them together.” What a powerful invitation to pull together and think creatively.
Turning Unpredictability into Opportunity
I’ll share with you one impressive example of how a client revolutionized his team by embracing all he didn’t know. He decided to walk a mile in their shoes. He spent a day as a junior team member, immersing himself in their roles to run their workflows and experience their challenges firsthand.
This experience gave him invaluable perspective. And he made the most of it. In some cases, he could move swiftly to resolve some issues that were low-hanging fruit. For more complex issues, he set clear goals for the coming year and supported them with a budget. His team’s appreciation was evident, with one of them introducing him at the next meeting by saying ‘This guy is the real deal.’
How often do leaders truly understand their teams like this?
So, I’ll leave you with this homework: Pinpoint two team members whose insights you truly value. Schedule a conversation focused on current challenges and be sure to let them know the objective of the meeting in advance. Then document three actionable ideas from your discussions.
I wish you the boldness to learn from every voice in your team!
If you’d like some extra support navigating the unknown and becoming more adaptable, let’s work together. Visit for a Discovery call.
You can’t stop the chaos, but you can change the game.