Years ago, I led a growing department in a quickly-evolving business. It was a whirlwind experience, testing my limits, especially with a toddler at home. My boss once referred to me this way:

“Whenever I toss anything even remotely in her direction, she just catches it and handles it!”

I dined out on this complement for weeks and relished being known as the go-to problem solver.

But I eventually realized that my drive had shifted into overdrive. It was in the way of my personal and professional growth. Can you ever be too responsible a person? Absolutely. But it’s also possible to let go and find a healthier way.

In this episode, I’ll show you why you might feel responsible for things beyond your control, and how to handle that. It’s time to stop taking on burdens that aren’t yours.

In your business, you’re the superheroes behind the scenes, always ready to take on whatever’s needed.

No matter what your leadership role is, it’s important to recognize the part of you that sometimes feels overly responsible.

Of course you should take 100% responsibility for any activity you’re involved in, but not 200%. Your job is to ensure everyone else takes their 100% share, holding them accountable. True equality emerges when everyone meets at the 100% level.

The Overload Dilemma: Why Taking on Too Much Can Backfire

As an operations executive, you can see from a special perspective, and frequently gain insight into broader organizational dynamics beyond your ops team. This can lead to a heightened sense of responsibility and tempt you to intervene in areas outside your purview. And that eats up a lot of time.

While your insight is invaluable, it’s crucial to channel this effectively, rather than losing your focus.

There are many reasons you might take on tasks beyond your scope. Maybe you believe you can just get it done more efficiently. Or maybe the person assigned is falling short for whatever reason. Sometimes, it’s simply unclear who should be accountable, leaving a vacuum that pulls you in.  

But taking on tasks outside your ops realm is risky. In today’s fast-paced business environment, stress can be high. Recognizing the need for action, the urge to act can become overwhelming and before you know it, you’re spreading yourself too thin.

Remember, leadership is about guiding others to succeed, not doing everything yourself.

Feeling too responsible generally stems from strong care and dedication. Give yourself permission to step back and acknowledge your efforts. I encourage you to give yourself some grace and kindness.

Shifting the Focus: Get More Out of Your Time by Letting Go

So, how can you adjust when you’re feeling responsible beyond reasonable borders? You might begin by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What impact would it have on my team if I stopped intervening in areas outside my purview?
    Reflect on how enabling others might lead to more collaboration and creativity.
  2. Am I confusing busyness with productivity?
    Consider whether your actions are moving you toward key objectives or merely filling your time.
  3. Who really benefits when I take on tasks that aren’t within my responsibility?
    Examine whether your involvement supports the organization or just fulfills a personal need.
  4. What would happen if I let others do these tasks without my intervention?
    Challenge yourself to build new muscles around trust, feedback and delegation.
  5. How can I realign my priorities to reflect what is most critical to the organization’s success?
    Identify where your time and energy are most needed.
  6. In what ways would saying ‘no’ give me room to say ‘yes’ to more strategic opportunities?
    Explore the benefits of being more selective with your commitments.
  7. How do I want to be remembered as a leader? And is my approach aligned with that?
    Consider the legacy you want to leave and make conscious choices that steer you toward that goal.

Taking control of your time isn’t about doing more. It’s about doing what matters most.

I’ll leave you with this question: What would change if you shifted your focus from being indispensable to being influential in your organization?

As you navigate the delicate balance between leadership and responsibility, consider how your personal brand affects how you manage your time. In Episode 28, “Optimizing Your Time with Personal Branding,” you’ll learn how a clear personal brand can shield you from distractions. Tune in at to hear how a strong professional identity can transform your time and focus.

You can’t stop the chaos, but you can change the game.